Learn Quran AnyTime

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"‏ خَيْرُكُمْ مَنْ تَعَلَّمَ الْقُرْآنَ وَعَلَّمَهُ ‏"
"The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it."
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اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ
Read! In the Name of your Lord Who created.
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The Qur’an (“Qor-Ann”) is a Message from Allah (SWT) to humanity. It was transmitted to us in a chain starting from the Almighty Himself (SWT) to the Gabriel (AS) to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). This message was given to the Prophet (SAW) in parts over a period spanning approximately 23 years (610 CE to 632 CE).The Prophet (SAW) was 40 years old when the Qur’an began to be revealed to him, and he was 63 when the revelation was completed. The language of the original message was Arabic, but it has been translated into many other languages.


LearnWorldWideQuran is an Online Quran Institute, a leading and exclusive Online institute of teaching Quran,provides one to one Online Quran Classes And Basic Islamic Teachings to all individuals ranging from the age of 4 to 70. In Learn WorldWideQuran Our unique,modern and updated online learning tools help in teaching every course. Our education method is a combination of both conventional and modern methods. We are innovative so we teach online and offer you the best learning practice. We offer learning Quran online teaching services to the students residing All over the world like Canada,USA,UK,Australia and Dubai, etc under the supervision of deeply qualified and capable teachers. 

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WHY YOU SHOULD JOIN LearnWorldWideQuran?

LearnWorldwidequran.com is your source for quality online education for Quran.We are the best and reliable source in this online world from where people can able to Learn Quran for kids and Adults And able to practice more under the supervision of qualified and experienced teachers.Our qualified Islamic teachers are available to help you or your child learn Quran online according to Tajweed rules, providing one-on-one lectures. Tajweed and its application can only be learned with a qualified teacher. The rules they can be studied independently, but their correct application can only be done by listening to, reciting to, and being corrected by, a qualified teacher of the Quran. Our Aim at WorldWideQuran is to teach Quran to generations of Muslim so that they may become true Muslims. We have qualified Quran Tutor and currently they are Teaching Quran to students of UK , USA , AUS and all nations. They are teaching to children, adults and aged persons To Learn Quran . So they know how to deal with all age groups. So anyone can feel comfort in their company.Because of rich culture based on harmony and respect and effective and efficient team work, we have taught thousands of students around the world. If you have any question regarding How to Learn Quran Online? Then feel free to contact us.


Flexible Schedule Time

Qualified Teachers

One-on-One Sessions

Parents Involvement

Multilingual Teachers

Learn From Female Tutors

Our Courses

Quran With Tajweed​

Want to learn the Quran online with Tajweed?

Tarteel Course

“Wa rattilil qur’aana tarteelaa” ,”and recite the Quran in slow measured rhythmic tones”

Quran Memorization

Our instructors expertise makes Quran memorization for kids and adults alike easier.

Tafseer ul Quran

Holy Quran tells us the complete way of life style recommended by Allah.

Learn Hadith

At LearnWorldwideQuran, you will learn the primary source of authentic Hadiths.

Learn Arabic

It is exceptionally simple to Learn Arabic online when you become some portion of our group.


What Clients Are Saying

Quran online and experience the ease of learning the book of Allah with the help of Allah Almighty. It is a satisfying and helpful Quran classes online Alhamdulillah. The teachers are very sincere and hardworking. My kids are very happy and encouraged. Let’s improve our lives by studying the Holy Quran.

Gohar Afzal - Canada

Assalaamalkume All, My experience with LearnWorldwideQuran is great and have a satisfaction with the ability of reading and memorization of the Quran I have seen with my children’s in the last one year and most specially my eldest daughter have completed the reading and now she is into memorization.

Brother Munir From Canada

I found LearnWorldWideQuran extremely helpful in providing a solid base for my 7 year old son and 11 years daughter in Quran reading. Tutor is very friendly and professional. Also has good English communication skills. They are 100% regular/puntual also they gave us an extra class even if class skipped from our side.

Reham From UK

My kids are very happy and encouraged. Let’s improve our lives by studying the Holy Quran.My experience with Learn World wide Quran is great and have a satisfaction with the ability of reading and memorization of the Quran. Let’s improve our lives by studying the Holy Quran.

Osama From UK

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