Learn Quran AnyTime
Islamic Quiz Grade 1
Islamic quiz helps us to increase our knowledge
1 / 20
How many daughters did Prophet (S.A.W) had?
2 / 20
What is the last Pillar of Islam?
3 / 20
Who is the last Prophet of ALLAH?
4 / 20
Who is first wife of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
5 / 20
What is total Age of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)?
6 / 20
Who is the First Prophet of ALLAH?
7 / 20
How many Pillars of Islam are there?
8 / 20
Who created all of us?
9 / 20
Who took care Muhammad (S.A.W) after his mother death?
10 / 20
What is Father name of our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)?
11 / 20
Who creates earth?
12 / 20
What was the age of Prophet when his grand father died?
13 / 20
What is First Pillar of Islam?
14 / 20
Who came to Prophet (S.A.W) with ALLAH'S revelation?
15 / 20
Where did Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) Born?
16 / 20
What is mother name of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)?
17 / 20
At what Age Muhammad (S.A.W) get first revelation?
18 / 20
How many Sons did Prophet (S.A.W) had?
19 / 20
Which one is Son of Prophet?
20 / 20
What did Prophet do in his Childhood?
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Islamic Quiz Grade 2
What do we say before starting anything?
Ramadan is the month of Islamic Calender?
What is QURAN?
Which direction we face for Salah?
If we make a mistake, we should say sorry to ALLAH, then we should?
Before we Perform Salat, we take?
Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) was ready to scrifice his son on ALLAH'S (S.W.T) Command?
When is Adhan Called?
Who do we call the Angel's who write what we do?
What is third month of Islamic Calender?
How many Salah are in one day?
How many months are in Islamic Calender?
ALLAH (S.W.T) is kind to?
What is the Muslim place of worship called?
In islam what is Funeral Prayer Called?
What are Angel's made From?
Where did Prophet (S.A.W) die?
What was birth year of Prophet Called?
Does ALLAH love to Forgive?
Islamic Quiz Grade 3
In the month of Ramadan there is a night which is better than 1000 months, it is...
When is Witr salat offered?
If a Muslim pays Zakah, what percentage of his/her wealth must he/she pay?
Which important event, mentioned in the Quran occured one year before Hijrah in Makkah?
How many Ayahs are there in Surah Al-Ikhlas?
Does Allah need our worship?
Which of the following is not one of the 5 pillars of Islam?
Who was the first person to call the adhaan?
How old was Prophet Muhammed (s.a.w) when he received the first revelation of the Quran?
Hadith are the prophet Muhammed's (s.a.w)...
After they disobeyed Prophet Hud, they were distroyed by a fierce wind which Allah caused to blow against them for seven nights and eight days. Who were those people?
How many fard rakahs do we pray in Salat al-Asr?
What is mentioned about the equality of men and women in the Quran?
What should you say when you sneeze?
How many Asma-Al-husna are mentioned in the last two verses of Sura Al-Hashr?
How many letters are there in the Arabic Language?
What do we call an optional prayer?
How many other sons did Prophet Ya'qub have in addition to Prophet Yusuf?
What is the name of the Angel who will blow the trumpet on the day of judgement?
What is the name of the opening Surah of the Quran?
Islamic Quiz Grade 4
How old was the Prophet when his Mother died?
Can Allah see the things under the deep oceans?
The Muslims were the first to explore...
What completes the fast of Ramadan?
When time for prayer comes we should
How many chapters are in the Quran?
How tall will we be in Jannah?
How many times is Allahu Akbar mentioned in one Adhan?
Which surah contains the longest ayah in The Holy Quran?
The first woman martyr of Islam was?
Allah is
Whose dead body from the time of Musa (AS) is still with us today?
Who was The daughter of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) who married Ali ibn Abi Talib?
Who was known as Khalilullah?
The Sun will rise from the west
The Holy Quran was revealed over how many years?
When will the Day of Judgement occur?
Which ayat of the Quran confirms the Islamic Religion as the complete religion?
Which kaafir king was killed by a lame mosquito?
To enter Jannah we must
Islamic Quiz Grade 5
Who was called "Tahirah" (Pure) among the Mothers of the Believers (ra)?
What major event took place in the 2nd Hijrah year in the month of Ramadan?
Who amongst the Mothers of the Believers was nicknamed "Umm ul-Masakeen" (Mother of the Poor)?
What is the muslims special festival?
What is dry ablution called?
Who was called the "Sword of Allah"?
Do Muslim boys and girls pray together?
What dont Muslims do on Ramadan?
Which Prophet invited for 950 years?
What day is the Muslims special day?
There are 500 pillars of Islam.
In which battle was the Prophet's (phub) uncle Hamzah (ra) killed?
Where were the first Ayats (Verses) revealed to Prophet Muhammad (phub)?
In whose room did the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) die and was then buried there?
Where did they (The Prophet and Abu Bakr) take shelter before proceeding to Al-Madinah?
Who accompanied Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) during his Hijrah (migration)?
How many daily prayers are there in Islam?
How many ants are in the world?
What is the holy book called in Islam?
Who can see you all the time?
Islamic Quiz Grade 6
Which surah of the Qur’aan is named after a woman?
Prophet Muhammad is the last Prophet.
What does Prophet Musa's stick turn into?
How many Ambiyaa are mentioned in the Qur’aan?
How many pillars of Islam are there?
How many chapters or surahs does the Qur’ancontain?
Each chapter or surah of the Qur’an contains anumber of verses. What are they called in Arabic?
No of Madni Surahs in Qur'an?
Give the name of the longest surah of the Qur’aan.
When do we pray Fajr?
The Kabah is located in Makkah.
Pillars of Islam are called:
What are the names of the other three Sacred Booksbesides the Qur’aan?
How many verses are in the Qur'an?
No of Makki Surahs in Qur'an?
What is the first month of the Islamic calendar?
How many words in Qur'aan
Al Fatihah is the last Surah in the Quran.
Over what period was the complete Qur’an revealed?
What are the companions of the Prophet called?
Islamic Quiz Grade 7
On which day was Nabi Muhammad (pbuh) born?
Which Prophet was given the title of Kaleemullah (theone who spoke to Allah SWT)?
What will be the spoken language in paradise?
Who freed Bilal RA from slavery?
In which year the Islamic calendar began?
Bilal RA died in which country?
What is the Arabic word used for the biography of theProphet?
To which clan of Quraysh did Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) belong?
Who is the first Caller of Azan in Islam?
Is being obedient to the parents obligatory in Islam?
What was the previous name of Madinah Shareef?
On which day was Adam A.S created?
What is the most crucial quality in the success of the spread of Islam?
Who are the sons and daughters of Nabi Muhammad (pbuh)?
What was the name of the camel of Rasulullah (pbuh)?
Who are the sons of Nabi Muhammad (pbuh)?
What was the first Islamic capital in the Islamichistory?
Name the Nabi who had a mother but no father?
What are the only two occasions, considered as festivals, in Islam?
Which Nabi was also a carpenter?
Islamic Quiz Grade 8
What is the meaning of "Astaghfirullah" ?
"Fasabbih bihamdi rabbika wastaghfirhu" means .…
What is the meaning of Al-Falaq ?
Allah (s.w.t.) has ......…
What is the meaning of An-Nas ?
Who was the first prophet of Allah (s.w.t.)?
"You alone we worship and you alone do we ask for help" is a phrase from which Surah ?
Al-Rahman means ..…
Iman means ..…
What is the meaning of Al-Fil ?
What is the language of the Quran?
Pillars of Islam are also called ...…
What do we call the Angels who write down what we do ?
What is the first duty of a Muslim ?
What does Islam mean ?
How many Allah (s.w.t.)'s are there ?
Believing in Allah (s.w.t.) , in His angels, in His books, in His messengers, in the last day, in destiny and in life after death means a Muslim has …
What is one unit of prayer called ?
Which one is the opening Surah of the Quran ?
A prophet is called .......... in Arabic.
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